Foam products with antimicrobial effect based on CHAS for washing equipment and premises

Among the many methods and means for cleaning and disinfection, the most effective are foam products with antimicrobial action based on quaternary ammonium compounds (H).

They have powerful antimicrobial properties and are capable of destroying a wide range of microorganisms, including pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi. This makes them a reliable means to protect equipment and premises from harmful microorganisms.

In this article, we will look at how foam products work from the HOUR, what advantages they have and how to apply them correctly to achieve maximum effect.

What is an CHAS (quaternary ammonium compounds)?

Quaternary ammonium compounds (CHAS) are a group of cationic surfactants that are widely used as disinfectants and antimicrobials.

These compounds contain a nitrogen atom bound to four organic radicals, which makes them unique. Thanks to this structure, the CLOCK can effectively destroy various microorganisms.

The principle of operation of the WATCH is based on the destruction of the cell membranes of bacteria, viruses and fungi. They interact with the lipid layers of the membrane, causing damage to them and eventually leading to the death of microorganisms.

Due to this mechanism of action, HH are effective against a wide range of pathogens, including both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, as well as viruses and fungi.

The WATCH is used in a wide variety of industries due to its key advantage:

  • They quickly destroy bacteria and viruses resistant to other agents, which makes them very effective.
  • These compounds effectively fight most pathogenic microorganisms, which makes them a universal antimicrobial agent.
  • The CLOCK remains active for a long time, providing long-term protection of surfaces from contamination.

The use of CHAS as a component of foam products makes it possible to disinfect equipment and premises efficiently and economically. This ensures a high level of hygiene and safety.

The principle of operation of foam products based on the CHAS

Foams based on quaternary ammonium compounds are a powerful tool in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms. Their unique mechanism of action ensures deep cleaning and disinfection of surfaces.

Mechanism of antimicrobial action CHAS

Quaternary ammonium compounds (H) destroy the cell membranes of microorganisms. HH molecules have a positively charged structure, which allows them to be attracted to negatively charged membranes of bacteria and viruses. This leads to a violation of the integrity of the cell membrane and leakage of intracellular contents. As a result, the microorganism dies. In addition, they interfere with metabolic processes in microbial cells. This further reduces their ability to survive and reproduce. This mechanism of action is very effective against a wide range of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses and fungi.

The role of foam in the cleaning process

Foam plays an important role in the uniform distribution of the active substance over the surface and prolonging the time of its exposure to contaminated areas. Foaming agents form a thick and stable foam that covers the surface and stays on it for a long time. This allows the active substances to penetrate deeper into the pores and microcracks, where pathogenic microorganisms may be located.

Due to its adhesive properties, the foam lingers even on vertical and complex surfaces. Therefore, it is ideal for processing equipment with hard-to-reach places.

Efficiency in various conditions

Foam-based disinfectants containing quaternary ammonium compounds (H) effectively cope even with organic pollutants such as fats and proteins. The foam helps to soften and remove these impurities, ensuring better contact of the active components with the treated surface. This is especially valuable in the food industry, where organic residues can reduce the effectiveness of other disinfectants.

Advantages of foam products per CHAS

  • The foam stays on the surface longer, which allows the active ingredients to fight pollution more effectively.
  • Foam products are used sparingly and at low dosages provide high efficiency.
  • The foam is easy to apply and wash off, leaving no traces and without damaging the treated surfaces.

CHAS—based foams are a powerful and versatile solution for cleaning and disinfection. They provide a high degree of protection against pathogenic microorganisms in various conditions.

The use of foam products per CHAS in various industries

Foams based on quaternary ammonium compounds (CHAS) are widely used in various industries due to their unique properties and high efficiency. Let’s look at how they are used to maintain hygiene and safety in key sectors.

Food industry

  • In the food industry, special attention is paid to the cleanliness and disinfection of equipment, premises and work surfaces.
  • Removal of fats and organic residues: foam penetrates into hard-to-reach places and effectively removes fats, proteins and other organic contaminants that can serve as a breeding ground for microorganisms.
  • Safety for materials: CHAS-based products are safe for use on stainless steel, aluminum and other materials from which food production and packaging lines are made.
  • Reducing the risk of cross-contamination: foam fixes impurities on the surface, which minimizes their transfer from one site to another, especially when processing geometrically complex surfaces such as conveyors, tanks and pipelines.

Agricultural industry

  • Disinfection of livestock premises: foam effectively removes organic pollutants and eliminates pathogenic microorganisms, which helps to reduce morbidity among animals.
  • Inventory and equipment handling: Foam products are safe for use on various types of equipment, including feeders, drinkers and vehicles, providing them with long-term protection from microbial contamination.
  • Maintaining hygiene on farms: Regular use of foam per CHAS helps to maintain a high level of hygiene on farms, preventing the spread of infections and diseases among animals.

Medical institutions

  • Surface sanitization: foam provides effective disinfection of operating rooms, wards, treatment rooms and other rooms where a high level of sterility is required.
  • Medical equipment treatments: Foam products are safe to use on various types of medical equipment, including instruments, beds, wheelchairs and operating tables, which prevents the spread of nosocomial infections.
  • Elimination of dangerous pathogens: foam products are capable of destroying a wide range of microorganisms, including resistant bacteria and viruses, which makes them indispensable in the fight against particularly dangerous infections.

Transport and logistics

  • Vehicle handling: Foam effectively cleans and disinfects trucks, railway wagons, shipping containers and other vehicles used to transport food and other goods requiring compliance with sanitary standards.
  • Disinfection of warehouses: foam products provide a high degree of cleanliness and disinfection in warehouses where it is important to prevent the spread of microbes, especially when storing food, medicines and other sensitive goods. Chemical and pharmaceutical industry


In the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, cleanliness and disinfection of equipment and premises are crucial for product quality and compliance with strict standards. Foam products are used for an CHAS:

  • Processing of production lines: foam cleans and disinfects the surfaces of production lines, tanks, pipelines and other equipment elements, which reduces the risk of contamination of products.
  • To maintain the cleanliness of the premises: foam products provide long-term antimicrobial protection of walls, floors and other surfaces in production halls and laboratories.

Recommendations for the use of CHAS-based foam products

In order to achieve maximum efficiency from foams with quaternary ammonium compounds (H), it is important to follow certain recommendations, especially when using them with foam washing systems. Compliance with these recommendations will allow for high-quality cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces, as well as prolong the service life of the equipment.

Choosing the right foam product

Before you start using foam products, it is important to choose a product that is suitable for your equipment and tasks. Pay attention to the following points:

  • Choose a product with the optimal concentration of quaternary ammonium compounds (HOUR) for your conditions. More concentrated products may require dilution, so do not forget to take this into account when preparing the working solution.
  • Make sure that the selected product is safe for the materials from which your equipment is made. Some active ingredients can damage rubber seals or painted surfaces, so choose the product with caution.

Preparation of the foam washing system

To ensure uniform application of foam and its effective action, it is necessary to properly configure the foam washing equipment system:

  • Setting up the dosing pumps: Set the dosing pumps so that the foam is accurately mixed with water. This is important to create the right consistency of foam, which will effectively fix on the surface and penetrate into hard-to-reach places.
  • Pressure and flow adjustment: Adjust the system pressure and foam flow according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Optimal parameters will avoid overspending and ensure uniform application.

The foam application process

The process of applying foam products from an HOUR requires a careful approach:

  • Covering the entire surface: make sure that the foam evenly covers the entire surface to be treated, including hard-to-reach areas. To do this, use nozzles that spray foam at different angles.
  • Exposure time: Allow the foam enough time to be exposed to contaminants and microorganisms. The recommended exposure time is usually specified by the manufacturer and can vary from a few minutes to half an hour, depending on the degree of contamination and the type of surface to be treated.

Flushing the foam

After the end of the foam exposure time, it is necessary to thoroughly wash off its remnants:

  • Using clean water: Use clean water under moderate pressure to remove foam residues. Make sure that all foam is removed to avoid possible reactions with other chemicals or plaque formation on the equipment.
  • Surface cleanliness check: after flushing, visually assess the cleanliness of the surface. It is important that no traces of foam or dirt remain, especially in areas where contact with products or other sensitive materials may occur.

Precautions and safety during use

When using foam products for an HOUR, it is important to take precautions to ensure the safety of personnel and the safety of equipment:

  • Protective equipment: Provide employees with personal protective equipment (gloves, goggles, protective suits) to prevent contact with chemicals.
  • Proper storage: Store foam products in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, avoiding direct sunlight and extreme temperatures that may affect the effectiveness of the product.
  • Follow the instructions: Always follow the instructions for use and dosage provided by the manufacturer of the foam product to avoid mistakes that may lead to reduced disinfection effectiveness or damage.

Frequency and regularity of application

Regular use of HOUR-based foam products will help maintain a high level of hygiene and prevent the accumulation of contaminants:

  • Scheduled disinfection: develop a schedule for regular disinfection using foam, based on the characteristics of your production. For example, in the food industry, it is recommended to carry out such processing after each shift.
  • Analysis of results: Periodically check the effectiveness of cleaning with microbiological tests or visual inspection. This will allow you to adjust the process in a timely manner and improve the results.








Following these recommendations, you will be able to make the most effective use of foam products per CHAS, ensuring reliable protection and cleanliness of your equipment and production facilities.


Work with us
Own production
Own production

We ourselves produce most of the items for the system: Pumping stations, foam stations, mobile carts, holders, mounting stands, etc.

Own Trademark
Own Trademark

We have registered our own trademark and always make sure that the client is satisfied and recommends us to specialists from other enterprises

Our work experience
Our work experience

The OdysseySystems company provides a full range of services in matters of cleanliness in food enterprises: from application processing to facility commissioning and personnel training. Our specialists will install the system in any region of the Russian Federation.

Providing a test sample
Providing a test sample

For enterprises that have water treatment systems installed that provide a working pressure of 20 bar, we can provide a test sample of a foam satellite for 30 days for operation at the enterprise.

Staged financing
Staged financing

The advance payment is 50% of the total contract amount. 30% is paid before shipping the goods to the customer. 20% is paid within 10 days after signing the equipment acceptance certificate

Turnkey works
Turnkey works

The OdysseySystems company provides a full range of services in matters of cleanliness in food enterprises: from application processing to facility commissioning and personnel training. Our specialists will install the system in any region of the Russian Federation.

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