Organization of sanitary zones in food production

The creation of sanitary treatment zones is of great importance for ensuring safety in the food industry. They help to prevent contamination of products and maintain a high level of hygiene at all stages of production.

In this article, we will look at how to properly organize sanitary zones in an enterprise. We will also provide recommendations on the choice of equipment for washing and disinfection. And, of course, we will tell you how to protect products from contamination.

What are sanitary standards?

Sanitary zones in food production facilities are carefully organized territories created for the purpose of strict observance of sanitary and hygienic standards and prevention of contamination of products. They are divided into categories depending on the level of risk and purity and are an integral element of any quality control and safety system in food enterprises.

The main task of sanitary zones is to minimize the risk of pathogenic microorganisms and foreign particles entering products and equipment. Their proper organization prevents cross-contamination between different stages of the production process, strictly distinguishing between «clean» and «dirty» areas.

Main functions

01 Ensuring food safety. Strict hygiene control at every stage of production, from the acceptance of raw materials to the packaging of finished products, prevents the proliferation of bacteria and other harmful microorganisms.
02 Protection from external contamination. Sanitary zones prevent the penetration of foreign particles and substances that can impair the quality or safety of products.
03 Reducing the risk of cross-contamination. By delineating production flows, contact between potentially contaminated and clean areas is eliminated, preventing contamination of the finished product or semi-finished products.

Types of sanitary zones in food enterprises

Clean and high-risk areas

The organization of sanitary zones in food production implies the division of space into areas with different levels of hygienic requirements. This allows you to control the degree of possible contamination at each stage of production.

In clean areas, work is carried out with finished products or semi-finished products, which must be protected from any external contamination. These zones are characterized by strict sanitary standards, where constant monitoring of the cleanliness of the air, the surface of equipment and personnel is required. Examples of such zones: packaging lines, finished product processing areas.

High—risk areas are areas where contact with uncleaned materials or contaminated surfaces is possible. This can be a raw material warehouse, production lines at the initial stages of processing, or waste storage areas. In these areas, special attention should be paid to preventing the spread of pollution to subsequent production stages.

The separation of zones reduces the likelihood of pathogenic microorganisms and foreign substances entering clean areas where finished products are processed or stored.

Areas for foam washing and disinfection

In order to maintain cleanliness and comply with sanitary standards in clean and high-risk areas, specialized areas for foam washing and disinfection are being installed at food enterprises.

They have their own organization features.

Foam washing areas
Foam washing equipment is installed in these areas, which is used for thorough cleaning of production surfaces, equipment and workrooms. Foam generators and detergent distribution systems make it easy to remove food residues, fats and other contaminants, preventing their accumulation. The foam washer is especially effective for removing complex contaminants due to the high penetrating ability of the detergent foam.

Disinfection zones
Disinfection areas are designed for the treatment of surfaces, inventory and equipment after the completion of foam washing. Specialized equipment is used in these areas, which evenly distributes disinfectants, ensuring the complete destruction of bacteria and microorganisms. The placement of disinfection zones next to the washing zones contributes to the creation of a logical and convenient sanitation system, which increases overall efficiency.

Principles of organization of sanitary zones

One of the main principles of sanitary organization is the separation of the flows of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products. This is important to prevent cross-contamination and the spread of pathogens.

Separation of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products
At all stages of production, it is important to clearly distinguish between the areas where raw materials are received and processed, and the areas where finished products are stored and packaged. The raw materials may contain bacteria, dirt and foreign substances that can negatively affect the quality of the finished product.

Special attention should be paid to semi-finished products, which, being less protected, may be more vulnerable to external factors. At the final stage, the finished products must be reliably protected from any sources of contamination.

Preventing cross-contamination
The movement of employees, equipment and materials between areas with different levels of cleanliness should be carried out under strict control. This avoids the contact of potentially contaminated objects with clean surfaces and products.

Labeling, a variety of transportation methods and clear instructions for moving materials significantly reduce the risk of cross-contamination.

Sanitary barriers are used in enterprises to ensure cleanliness and protect clean areas. These barriers are physical and procedural barriers that help separate clean and dirty areas and maintain a high level of hygiene.

  • hand washing;
  • disinfection of shoes;
  • putting on special hygienic clothes.

Hygienic passageways serve as a physical barrier between potentially contaminated areas and clean rooms, ensuring constant monitoring of staff hygiene.

Foam washing equipment

Foam washing is a cleaning method in which a special washing foam is applied to the surface of equipment and premises. This method is widely used in food enterprises due to its ability to penetrate into hard-to-reach places and remove food residues, fats and other contaminants.

The functionality. Foam washing systems consist of a foam generator, switchgear and a rinsing system. The foam, remaining on the surfaces, decomposes dirt and facilitates their removal.

Advantages of using it. Foam washing is effective with minimal time and detergent consumption. The foam penetrates into hard-to-reach areas and stays on difficult surfaces, improving the quality of cleaning. In addition, foam washing systems reduce water consumption, which makes them cost-effective and environmentally sustainable.

The role in maintaining cleanliness. Foam washing allows you to maintain a stable level of cleanliness in all production areas, including equipment, floors, walls and work surfaces. Regular washing is especially important in areas with a high concentration of food waste and fatty contaminants.

Disinfection systems

Disinfection is required after cleaning with a foam washer. Automatic disinfection systems destroy bacteria, viruses and microorganisms that threaten food products. They operate in automatic mode and evenly distribute disinfectants over the entire area.

Types of equipment for automatic disinfection:

  • Automatic sprayers – spray solutions on equipment, walls and floors, stationary or mobile.
  • Ultraviolet lamps – destroy microorganisms with ultraviolet radiation, are installed in sterile areas.
  • Automated passageways for staff disinfection – disinfect hands, shoes and clothes when entering clean areas.

Automatic disinfection systems operate without human intervention, ensuring compliance with standards and accurate application of disinfectants. They destroy up to 99.9% of microorganisms, reducing the likelihood of cross-contamination and improving product safety.

Recommendations for the proper organization of sanitary zones

For the effective organization of sanitary zones in food production, a comprehensive solution is required, including the correct location of washing stations, optimization of disinfection processes and strict control over the implementation of sanitary procedures.

Proper placement of washing equipment and disinfection systems is one of the most important factors in the organization of sanitary zones. The effectiveness of cleaning and disinfection processes depends on how conveniently and efficiently they are located.

01 Selection of places for installation of washing equipment Washing stations should be located in areas with a high risk of contamination, such as areas for receiving and processing raw materials and places with a high concentration of fats and food residues. They should be installed close to such areas to simplify access and reduce travel time. This will allow you to quickly clean equipment, inventory and work surfaces, minimizing the risks of contamination accumulation.
02 Ease of use Washing stations should be easily accessible to personnel and meet the requirements of the production process. For example, in areas with a large amount of work, it is advisable to install several stations or mobile systems that can move around the workshops as needed.
03 Separation of washing and disinfection zones Washing stations and disinfection systems should be positioned so that the process takes place sequentially: first, the equipment and surfaces are cleaned, and then disinfected. This will help prevent uncleaned equipment from entering the clean area.

Even the most modern equipment for washing and disinfection will not bring the expected result without regular cleaning procedures and a clear schedule of sanitary measures. Strict control and timely implementation of sanitary procedures are the key to product safety and quality.

  • The cleaning and disinfection schedule at the production site should take into account the intensity of each site, the risk of contamination and the type of equipment. For example, raw material processing areas require more frequent cleaning than finished product storage areas. The schedule should include both daily cleaning and more in-depth procedures performed on a weekly or monthly basis.
  • To comply with sanitary standards, it is necessary to monitor the implementation of washing and disinfection procedures, recording the time and volume of work, as well as checking the quality of cleaning. This can be done with regular tests for the presence of contaminants and microorganisms. Automated monitoring systems will also help to monitor the quality of cleaning.
  • For the successful implementation of sanitary procedures, it is necessary to train personnel in the proper use of washing equipment and disinfectants. Employees should understand the importance of following the cleaning schedule and know how to properly perform each stage of the process. Regular trainings and knowledge testing will help to maintain a high level of sanitary culture at the enterprise.

The use of automation in sanitation

Modern technologies are increasingly penetrating into various areas of production, and sanitary processing in food enterprises is no exception. Automation of washing and disinfection processes significantly increases efficiency, reduces the risks of human error and helps to maintain a constant level of cleanliness. Through the use of automatic cleanliness control systems and integration with foam washing technologies, enterprises can significantly improve their sanitary standards.

Automatic cleanliness control systems ensure continuous monitoring of hygiene indicators and maintain them at an optimal level, including monitoring of surfaces, equipment and air. They are characterized by high accuracy and reliability, promptly detect deviations and prevent contamination.

Automation eliminates the human factor and reduces the risk of errors, reduces the time for sanitary procedures and optimizes the use of resources.

The integration of automatic cleanliness control systems and equipment for foam washing and disinfection allows you to create a continuous cleaning and disinfection process, where each stage is carefully monitored and performed with minimal human intervention.

The equipment can be programmed for regular cycles of foam washing and disinfection, which will be carried out at a strictly set time, ensuring maximum efficiency and without interrupting the production process.

Automation of sanitary treatment is an investment in the future of your company.

Odyssey Systems company will design, manufacture and install a system for foam washing of food equipment, fully adapted to your needs. We guarantee the high quality of our products and are ready to provide advice and technical support at all stages — from design to operation.

If you need a foam washing of food equipment, please contact us by phone 8-3852-22-32-14 or via the feedback form on our website. We will help you choose the best solutions for your production so that you can ensure a high level of hygiene and safety.






Work with us
Own production
Own production

We ourselves produce most of the items for the system: Pumping stations, foam stations, mobile carts, holders, mounting stands, etc.

Own Trademark
Own Trademark

We have registered our own trademark and always make sure that the client is satisfied and recommends us to specialists from other enterprises

Our work experience
Our work experience

The OdysseySystems company provides a full range of services in matters of cleanliness in food enterprises: from application processing to facility commissioning and personnel training. Our specialists will install the system in any region of the Russian Federation.

Providing a test sample
Providing a test sample

For enterprises that have water treatment systems installed that provide a working pressure of 20 bar, we can provide a test sample of a foam satellite for 30 days for operation at the enterprise.

Staged financing
Staged financing

The advance payment is 50% of the total contract amount. 30% is paid before shipping the goods to the customer. 20% is paid within 10 days after signing the equipment acceptance certificate

Turnkey works
Turnkey works

The OdysseySystems company provides a full range of services in matters of cleanliness in food enterprises: from application processing to facility commissioning and personnel training. Our specialists will install the system in any region of the Russian Federation.

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