Problems and solutions for biofilm removal in the food industry

In the food industry, the problem of biofilms poses a significant threat to the safety and quality of products. Bio-films are complex structures consisting of microorganisms and their waste products that form on the surfaces of equipment and packaging. They may contain pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi that can cause food spoilage and food poisoning.

Biofilm removal is critical to ensure product safety and prevent contamination at all stages of production. Effective control of biofilms helps to minimize risks to consumer health, improve product quality and reduce economic losses associated with spoilage and return of products. In this article, we will look at the main problems caused by biofilms and propose effective solutions for their removal in the food industry.

What are biofilms?

Bio-films are structured communities of microorganisms that are firmly attached to surfaces and surrounded by an exopolymer matrix that they produce themselves. These microorganisms can include bacteria, fungi, and even viruses, which combine to form complex multi-layered structures. Biofilms are often difficult to remove due to their resistance to traditional cleaning and disinfection methods.

The mechanism of their formation

Biofilm formation occurs in several stages:

  • Primary adhesion. Free-floating microorganisms (planktonic cells) attach to the surface using various adhesives and molecules interacting with the surface.
  • Colonization. The attached cells begin to multiply and produce an exopolymer matrix that provides protection and holds the cells together.
  • Maturation. The biofilm grows and becomes layered, forming complex three-dimensional structures. This process involves various microorganisms interacting with each other.
  • The variance. Some cells can leave the biofilm, passing into a planktonic state and settling on new surfaces, where the process of formation of bio-films begins anew.

The main microorganisms involved in the formation of biofilms

Various microorganisms can participate in the formation of biofilms, including:

  • Bacteria. The most common organisms that form biofilms. These include pathogens such as Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, which can cause serious foodborne infections.
  • Mushrooms. Some species of fungi, such as Candida spp., are also capable of forming biofilms, especially in high humidity conditions.
  • Viruses. Although viruses do not form biofilms on their own, they can be incorporated into the bio-film structure, which provides them with protection from disinfectants.

These microorganisms interact with each other and with the environment, creating stable and hard-to-remove structures that pose a serious problem for the food industry.

Problems caused by biofilms

Biofilms pose a serious threat to the food industry due to their ability to degrade the quality and safety of food. The main problems include:

  • Pathogen contamination: Biofilms often contain pathogenic microorganisms such as Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. These microorganisms can cause food infections in consumers, leading to serious illnesses and even deaths.
  • Spoilage of food: Biofilms can contribute to the development of microorganisms that cause spoilage of food products, which leads to a deterioration in the taste, texture and appearance of products. This reduces the shelf life of products and increases the amount of waste.
  • Allergic reactions: Some microorganisms present in biofilms can cause allergic reactions in consumers, which creates additional health risks.

Resistance of biofilms to traditional cleaning and disinfection methods

Bio-films are highly resistant to traditional cleaning and disinfection methods, which makes them difficult to remove and control. The main reasons for sustainability include:

  • Protective matrix: The eco-polymer matrix surrounding the microorganisms in the biofilm provides physical protection from disinfectants, reducing their effectiveness.
  • Genetic adaptation: Microorganisms inside biofilms can exchange genetic information, which contributes to the development of resistance to antibiotics and disinfectants.
  • Heterogeneity: Biofilms have a complex multilayer structure in which microorganisms can be in different physiological states. Some cells may be metabolically inactive, making them less vulnerable to disinfection.
  • Uneven distribution of products: Disinfectants can penetrate the biofilm unevenly, which leads to inefficient processing and preservation of viable microorganisms.

Economic losses related to problems caused by bio-films

The problems caused by bio-films lead to significant economic losses for the food industry. These losses include:

  • Food waste: Spoilage of products due to contamination with bio-films increases the amount of waste and reduces production efficiency.
  • Refunds and complaints: Consumers may return products due to their unsatisfactory quality or safety, which leads to additional costs for processing refunds and a decrease in brand reputation.
  • Reduced productivity: The need to shut down production lines frequently for cleaning and disinfection reduces productivity and increases operating costs.
  • Legal costs: Companies may face legal and punitive penalties for non-compliance with sanitary and food safety standards, which leads to additional financial losses.
  • Disease losses: If products contaminated with pathogens from bio-films cause diseases in consumers, this can lead to lawsuits and compensation, which also increases the financial costs of the company.

These factors emphasize the need for effective control of bio-films and the introduction of modern cleaning and disinfection methods in the food industry.

Methods for detecting bio-films

An important step in the fight against bio-films is their timely and accurate detection on production lines. Modern methods and technologies include:

  • Microscopy. Optical microscopy is used for visual observation of the surface and detection of bio-films. It allows you to identify the presence and structure of bio-films. Electron microscopy provides a more detailed image of bio-films at the nanoscale. It is used to study the ultrastructure of bio-films and their components.
  • Fluorescence microscopy. The use of fluorescent dyes and antibodies to detect microorganisms in bio-films. Allows you to visualize and quantify bio-films.
  • Confocal laser Scanning microscopy (CLSM). Provides high resolution and three-dimensional image of bio-films. Allows you to study the structure and thickness of bio-films.
  • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR). A molecular biology method that is used to detect specific genetic sequences of microorganisms in bio-films. Allows accurate identification of microorganisms.
  • Bioluminescent methods. The use of bioluminescent tags to detect the activity of microorganisms. The method is based on measuring the light emitted by microorganisms, which allows you to quickly assess the presence of bio-films.
  • Biosensors. Various types of biosensors (optical, electrochemical, acoustic) are used to identify and quantify bio-films. Biosensors provide high sensitivity and specificity.
  • Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA). A method based on the use of antibodies to detect specific antigens of microorganisms. Allows you to quantify the presence of bio-films.

Pros and cons of various detection methods

Optical microscopy has its pros and cons. Among its advantages are ease of use, relatively low cost and the ability to quickly visually analyze. However, it also has disadvantages, such as low resolution compared to other methods and the need for an experienced operator to interpret the results.

Electron microscopy has advantages such as high resolution and the possibility of a detailed study of the ultrastructure of bio-films. However, its disadvantages include the high cost of equipment, long sample preparation time and the need for highly qualified personnel.

Fluorescence microscopy has advantages such as high sensitivity and the ability to visualize specific microorganisms. However, its disadvantages include the need to use special dyes and the possible photobleaching of the samples.

Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) has advantages such as three-dimensional imaging, high resolution and the ability to study the structure of bio-films in situ. However, its disadvantages include the high cost of equipment and the complexity of use.

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has advantages such as high accuracy and specificity, as well as the possibility of quantitative analysis. However, its disadvantages include the high cost of reagents and equipment and the need for highly qualified personnel.

Bioluminescent methods have advantages such as the speed of analysis, the possibility of automation and high sensitivity. However, their disadvantages include dependence on the metabolic activity of microorganisms and the need to use special labels.

Biosensors have advantages such as high sensitivity and specificity, as well as the possibility of real-time monitoring. However, their disadvantages include the high cost and the need to develop specific sensors for each type of microorganisms.

Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) has advantages such as high specificity and the possibility of quantitative analysis. However, its disadvantages include dependence on the quality of antibodies and possible false positive results.

Each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of an appropriate method depends on the specific conditions and requirements of production. An effective combination of different methods can ensure the most accurate and timely detection of bio-films on production lines, which will allow timely measures to be taken to remove and prevent them.

Biofilm removal solutions

Foam washing is one of the most effective cleaning and disinfection methods in the food industry. This method involves applying foam containing cleaning agents and disinfectants to the surface of equipment and production lines. The foam provides a long-term effect of active substances on pollution, which makes it possible to effectively remove bio-films and other contaminants.

Advantages of foam washing for biofilm removal

Using a foam washer to remove bio-films has several significant advantages:

  • The foam holds better on vertical and complex surfaces, which ensures a longer-lasting effect of cleaning and disinfectants on bio-films. This allows you to penetrate deeper into the biofilm matrix and destroy its structure.
  • Foam washing allows cleaning and disinfectants to be distributed more evenly over the surface, which reduces their consumption and increases the economic efficiency of the process.
  • Modern foam washing systems are designed taking into account safety requirements and minimal environmental impact. The chemicals used are often biodegradable and do not pose a threat to the health of workers and consumers.
  • The foam washer is easily integrated into existing production processes and does not require significant changes in equipment. Modern systems allow you to automate the process, which reduces the need for manual labor and increases productivity.

Foam Washing Equipment Systems

Foam washing equipment systems include several key components, each of which plays an important role in the effective removal of bio-films:

  • Foam generators: These devices create foam from a mixture of water, air and cleaning products. Foam generators ensure constant and uniform foam production, which is important for covering large areas.
  • Distribution systems: These are networks of pipelines and nozzles that deliver foam to the surfaces to be cleaned. Distribution systems can be stationary or mobile, which makes it possible to adapt to different production conditions.
  • Cleaning and disinfectant supply systems: These systems control the concentration and supply of active substances, which ensures optimal conditions for the removal of bio-films. Modern systems can be programmed to automatically adjust the concentration depending on the type of contamination.

Stages of the foam washing process

The foam washing process consists of several stages:

  • Pre-cleaning: Removing large particles and food residues from the surface of the equipment using high-pressure water.
  • Foam application: Foam application on the surface using generators and distribution systems. The foam stays on the surface for a certain time, ensuring the destruction of biofilms and the removal of impurities.
  • Rinsing: Rinsing off foam along with destroyed biofilms and contaminants with water.
  • Disinfection: Application of disinfectants to destroy the remaining microorganisms and prevent the re-formation of bio-films.
  • Quality control: Verification of the effectiveness of cleaning and disinfection using biofilm detection methods.

Chemical agents for biofilm removal

Chemicals play a key role in removing biofilms. They include various types of disinfectants and cleaning agents:

  • Alkaline cleaning products: Effective against fatty and protein impurities. They destroy the exopolymer matrix of biofilms, facilitating their removal.
  • Acidic cleaning products: They are used to remove mineral deposits and destroy the cell walls of microorganisms. They are especially useful in combination with alkaline products.
  • Oxidizing agents (e.g. hydrogen peroxide, sodium hypochlorite): They are highly effective in destroying microorganisms due to the oxidation of their cellular components. They also destroy the biofilm matrix.

Enzyme products: Enzymes are used to destroy specific components of bio-films, such as proteins and polysaccharides, which contributes to their effective removal.

Combined methods

Combined methods combine physico-chemical and thermal processes for more efficient removal of bio-films:

  • Physico-chemical methods: Combine the use of chemicals with mechanical influences such as ultrasound or high water pressure. Ultrasound destroys the structure of bio-films, making them more vulnerable to chemicals.
  • Thermal methods: High temperatures are used to destroy bio-films and destroy microorganisms. Steam, hot water or combination with chemicals increases the efficiency of cleaning.
  • Electrochemical methods: Use electric current to generate active chemical compounds such as ozone or chlorine directly at the treatment site. These active substances effectively destroy bio-films and destroy microorganisms.

These methods are often used in combination to achieve maximum efficiency in removing bio-films, which ensures high standards of hygiene and safety in the food industry.


Work with us
Own production
Own production

We ourselves produce most of the items for the system: Pumping stations, foam stations, mobile carts, holders, mounting stands, etc.

Own Trademark
Own Trademark

We have registered our own trademark and always make sure that the client is satisfied and recommends us to specialists from other enterprises

Our work experience
Our work experience

The OdysseySystems company provides a full range of services in matters of cleanliness in food enterprises: from application processing to facility commissioning and personnel training. Our specialists will install the system in any region of the Russian Federation.

Providing a test sample
Providing a test sample

For enterprises that have water treatment systems installed that provide a working pressure of 20 bar, we can provide a test sample of a foam satellite for 30 days for operation at the enterprise.

Staged financing
Staged financing

The advance payment is 50% of the total contract amount. 30% is paid before shipping the goods to the customer. 20% is paid within 10 days after signing the equipment acceptance certificate

Turnkey works
Turnkey works

The OdysseySystems company provides a full range of services in matters of cleanliness in food enterprises: from application processing to facility commissioning and personnel training. Our specialists will install the system in any region of the Russian Federation.

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