Seasonal features of cleaning and disinfection at food enterprises

Cleanliness and safety in food processing plants depend on proper cleaning and disinfection. However, not every solution is suitable for all seasons. Weather conditions, temperature changes, humidity and pest activity affect sanitary requirements. To avoid problems with product quality and contamination, it is important to take into account seasonal features of cleaning and disinfection. In this article, we will look at how to adapt sanitary processes to each season and what technologies will help maintain hygiene in the food industry, regardless of the time of year.

Winter period. Low temperature and condensation control


Winter presents new cleaning and disinfection challenges for food companies due to low temperatures and the risk of condensation. It is important to regularly remove condensation from the equipment, choose effective detergents, and monitor access to prevent snow and dirt from getting on your clothes and shoes.

Recommendations for winter cleaning

In order to maintain a high level of sanitation in food processing plants during the winter period, it is necessary to take into account the specific risks associated with cold and high humidity.

Use of specialized detergents and disinfectants for low temperatures

In winter, conventional chemicals may lose their effectiveness at low temperatures. It is recommended to use specialized products designed to work at temperatures below 10°C and retain their cleaning and disinfecting properties. They contain active ingredients that can fight microbes in a cold environment.

Regular condensate cleaning

The formation of condensation on surfaces in winter is a problem that needs to be addressed in order to prevent the development of microorganisms.


  • Use special scrapers and dehumidifiers to clean up the condensate.
  • Install ventilation systems to minimize temperature fluctuations and control humidity.
  • Apply anti-condensate coatings on cold surfaces to reduce the risk of moisture formation.

Organization of thermal barriers and vestibules

Workers can carry snow, dirt, and germs through their shoes and clothing. To prevent this from happening:

  • Create vestibules with mats for cleaning shoes and the ability to change outerwear.
  • Regularly clean the vestibules using detergents.
  • Use disinfection mats or shoe barriers with antimicrobial agents.

Increased frequency of cleaning in passageways and production areas

In winter, in areas with high traffic, such as corridors, warehouses and entrance areas, it is recommended to increase the frequency of cleaning, paying special attention to places where employees can leave snow or dirt. For this:

  • Carry out wet cleaning with disinfectants.
  • Install anti-slip floor coverings that are easy to clean.
  • Regularly disinfect door handles, handrails, and other frequently used areas.

Using dehumidifiers and improving ventilation

In winter, it is important to control humidity, especially in areas with equipment where condensation may form. To maintain optimal humidity levels:

  • Install dehumidifiers in areas where moisture accumulates.
  • Check the ventilation systems regularly and clean the filters.
  • Monitor the room temperature to minimize sudden changes.

Thorough cleaning and disinfection of equipment in contact with products

It is important to keep the equipment clean and take into account its temperature regime. Some items of equipment can cool down faster, which contributes to the accumulation of moisture and dirt. For this:

  • Perform regular cleaning and disinfection, paying special attention to hard-to-reach areas.
  • Use steam generators or hot water for cleaning.
  • Make sure that all surfaces are thoroughly dried after cleaning.

Spring period. Preventing the spread of infection after winter

Spring in food processing plants is the time of transition from winter cleaning to more intensive sanitary measures. After cold weather and high humidity, favorable conditions may arise for the spread of microbes and infections. It is important to review the approach to cleaning and disinfection to prevent the spread of bacteria. 

Key challenges of the spring period:

  • Increased humidity: Increased indoor humidity creates ideal conditions for the growth of mold, fungi and bacteria.
  • Cleaning of accumulated dirt: condensation and dirt can accumulate on equipment, floors and ventilation systems.
  • Activation of insects and rodents: the warming season begins with the activity of insects and rodents, which can pollute products and equipment.

Recommendations for spring cleaning and disinfection

01 Deep cleaning after the winter season After the winter months, it is important to carry out a detailed cleaning of all production areas, including equipment, surfaces and corners where condensation may have accumulated. General cleaning will help to eliminate winter pollution: salt residues, dirt and dust. Pay special attention to areas where you work with food and raw materials, where organic substances accumulate, which can become a source of microbes. Clean ventilation systems and filters from dust and dirt, improving air quality and reducing the risk of germs spreading.
02 Increased humidity control In the spring, humidity can increase, which leads to the multiplication of bacteria and mold. To avoid this: Regularly dehumidify the air in areas with high humidity. Use dehumidifiers and ventilation systems to maintain an optimal microclimate. Monitor humidity and quickly eliminate the accumulation of condensation.
03 Switching to more intensive disinfection procedures In spring, it is important to increase the frequency of disinfection, especially in industrial areas with high humidity and temperature fluctuations. Use disinfectants that effectively fight a wide range of bacteria and fungi, and thoroughly treat all surfaces: equipment, work surfaces, floors, walls, containers and packaging areas. Use products that destroy germs and prevent their reappearance.
04 Prevention of insects and rodents As temperatures rise, pests can become a threat to food production. To prevent their entry: Regularly check and clean warehouses and production facilities for insects and rodents. Set up protective barriers and traps in risky areas. Use environmentally friendly insecticides and repellents.
05 Thorough cleaning of drainage systems and pipelines In spring, water and dirt can accumulate in drainage systems due to temperature changes, which contributes to the reproduction of bacteria. Important: Regularly clean the drainage systems from debris and dirt. Use special cleaning agents for pipelines to prevent stagnation of water and the development of bacteria.
06 Strengthening of sanitary control during the transition of seasons Preparation of the enterprise for summer includes sanitary audit of cleaning and disinfection processes. Checking systems for compliance with the requirements will help you avoid problems in the future: Monitor the cleanliness of the equipment and premises with microbiological contamination tests. Make sure that the staff complies with sanitary standards, if necessary, conduct training.

Summer period. High temperature and pest control

Summer is the time when food companies face the most serious sanitary challenges. High temperatures and high humidity create favorable conditions for the rapid growth of microorganisms and active reproduction of pests. During this period, it is important to take a particularly careful approach to cleaning and disinfection issues in order to minimize risks to product safety.

Main challenges of the summer period:

  • High temperature: Heat promotes the rapid growth of bacteria and accelerates the spoilage of food.
  • Increased activity of insects and rodents: In summer, the probability of flies, cockroaches, ants and other pests that can contaminate products and equipment significantly increases.
  • Condensation and humidity: Heat combined with cooling equipment can lead to condensation, which creates ideal conditions for mold and mildew growth.

Recommendations for cleaning and disinfection during the summer period

Use of fast-acting disinfectants
In summer, bacteria and micro-organisms multiply faster, so it is important to use fast and powerful disinfectants. This is especially important for areas where raw materials and finished products come into contact.

Use sanitizers with shorter exposure times to quickly kill bacteria.

Use products that kill a wide range of germs, including fungi and mold.

Regular cleaning and dehumidification of the premises
In conditions of high humidity, it is necessary to control the microclimate in industrial premises, regularly drying floors, walls and equipment to prevent the growth of mold and bacteria.

Use dehumidifiers to maintain a comfortable humidity level. Wipe surfaces near cooling units to remove condensation. Ventilate the premises and monitor ventilation systems for stable air circulation.

Prevention and control of insects and rodents
In summer, the activity of insects and rodents increases, which requires measures for the prevention and control of diseases. Here are the main recommendations:

  • Install safety nets on windows and air vents to prevent insects from entering the house.
  • Use UV fly traps and insecticide barriers at the entrances and exits of the building.
  • Regularly inspect warehouses and food storage areas for traces of pests, applying products at the first sign of infection.

Increased frequency of cleaning and disinfection
During the summer period, it is important to increase the frequency of harvesting, especially in areas with high temperature and humidity, where the growth of microbes is accelerated.

  • Clean and disinfect equipment, work surfaces and containers twice a day, paying special attention to areas in contact with food.
  • Increase the frequency of wet cleaning of floors and other horizontal surfaces to prevent dust accumulation.
  • Use foam systems for cleaning and disinfecting equipment and walls to effectively clean difficult areas of the floor.

Temperature control and prevention of equipment overheating
High temperatures can lead to overheating of equipment and premises, which increases the risk of breakdowns and increases the cost of cooling the equipment. To avoid this:

  • Regularly check the condition of the refrigeration equipment, monitor the temperature conditions and avoid overheating of the equipment.
  • Perform maintenance on the cooling and air-conditioning systems to maintain a stable system operation.
  • Make sure that the staff follows the rules for storing food and does not leave it out of the cold storage rooms for long periods of time.

Staff training
During the summer period, it is important to conduct additional training of personnel on hygiene and infection prevention:

  • Remind you to change your work clothes frequently, especially at elevated temperatures.
  • Make sure that you know the rules for using disinfectants and that they are in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Conduct trainings on detecting signs of insects and rodents, so that employees quickly report problems to the public.

Autumn period. Preparing for winter

Autumn is a transition period that requires food companies to pay more attention to monitoring indoor conditions and preparing for the winter cold. During this season, the temperature starts to decrease, but humidity can still remain high due to precipitation, fog and changeable weather. It is important to set up cleaning and disinfection processes to avoid problems with the accumulation of condensation and bacteria, as well as to ensure a smooth transition to the winter mode of operation.

Main challenges of the autumn period:

  • Changeable weather conditions: Frequent rains, high humidity and gradual cooling create conditions for condensation to form on equipment and building surfaces.
  • Transition to winter mode of operation: Preparation for winter cold weather includes insulation of premises, adjustment of ventilation systems and introduction of additional measures to protect equipment.
  • Accumulation of dirt and organic pollutants: In autumn, there may be a more active introduction of dirt and debris from the street to production and storage areas.

Recommendations for cleaning and disinfection in the autumn period

Regular cleaning and condensate removal
In the fall, when the temperature and humidity decrease, condensation can form on cold surfaces, which contributes to the development of microbes. To avoid this:

  • Clean and dry surfaces regularly, especially near doors, windows, refrigeration equipment, and walls.
  • Use dehumidifiers and dehumidifiers.
  • Increase the frequency of cleaning production and storage areas where moisture can accumulate to prevent the spread of mold.

Switch to cold-temperature facilities
Autumn is a time of preparation for the winter cold, when standard detergents and disinfectants may lose their effectiveness. Start switching to specialized low-temperature products:

  • Choose detergents that retain their properties at low temperatures, and start testing them in the fall.
  • Use disinfection solutions that are effective in conditions of changeable temperatures and high humidity.

Ventilation and dehumidification control
In the fall, when switching to winter mode, it is important to make sure that the ventilation systems and dehumidifiers work correctly to minimize the accumulation of moisture:

  • Regularly check ventilation systems and clean filters for optimal air circulation.
  • Install additional dehumidifiers in areas with high humidity, such as warehouses or industrial areas, to prevent moisture from accumulating on the surface of the building.
  • Adjust the indoor temperature and humidity according to the outdoor conditions to maintain a stable microclimate.

Preparing equipment for winter
In the fall, it is important to carry out maintenance of the equipment to prepare it for winter conditions.:

  • Check and clean your refrigeration and ventilation systems.
  • Insulate pipelines and systems that are subject to freezing.
  • Check drainage systems for blockages, especially after autumn showers and high humidity, to prevent water stagnation.

Increased control over the cleanliness of the entrance areas
Autumn is a time of rain and mud, which employees can bring to the enterprise. It is important to organize cleaning and prevention:

  • Install dirt-proof mats and barriers at the entrances to prevent mud from entering the production areas.
  • Regularly perform wet cleaning in passageways and storage areas.
  • Strengthen control over the sanitization of employees ‘ shoes by using disinfection mats or special cleaning products.

Staff training for the winter season
Before the onset of winter, it is important to train employees in new cleaning and hygiene rules.:

  • Organize training sessions on the use of specialized products for the cold season.
  • Give instructions on how to prevent dirt and moisture from entering the street.
  • Remind you to wash your hands more frequently and change your work clothes when working in a changeable microclimate.

Technological solutions to adapt to seasonal conditions

Efficient cleaning and disinfection at food processing plants, depending on the season, requires the use of modern technological solutions. Automation of processes and the use of specialized tools allow you to quickly and efficiently cope with the challenges that arise in different periods of the year. Here are some key technologies that help you adapt to seasonal changes.

Automated foam washing systems for flexibility in cleaning

Modern automated foam washing systems provide high flexibility and adapt to the conditions of each season, allowing you to easily change the cleaning parameters depending on temperature, humidity and other factors. Advantages of such systems include:

  • Versatility: Automated systems can be configured for different types of pollution specific to each season. For example, in summer they effectively remove fats and biological pollutants, and in winter they cope with the accumulation of dust and ice.
  • Efficient use of detergents: Foam systems distribute the detergent evenly over the entire surface to be treated, which reduces chemical consumption and improves the quality of cleaning, regardless of weather conditions.
  • Reduction of the human factor: Automation of cleaning processes allows you to eliminate errors and shortcomings that may occur during manual washing, especially in difficult winter or summer conditions.
  • Temperature adaptation: These systems can be configured to operate in low temperatures in winter or high humidity in summer, making them ideal for year-round use.

Use of specialized disinfectants

Seasonal changes require the use of specialized tools that will provide the optimal level of protection depending on environmental conditions. Here are some categories of disinfectants that work effectively in different periods of the year:

  • Winter disinfectants: In the cold season, it is necessary to use formulations that retain their activity even at low temperatures and do not lose their properties when in contact with frozen surfaces. This is especially important for handling cold rooms and other cold areas.
  • Pest control products in summer: The summer period requires intensive disinfection of areas where insects and rodents may appear. Use products with insecticide additives that prevent the growth of pests and reduce the risk of their penetration into production lines.
  • Fast-acting antibacterial agents for the off-season: In spring and autumn, when humidity and temperature changes can lead to the appearance of mold and fungi, it is necessary to use products that provide rapid and deep disinfection of surfaces, effectively eliminating pathogens.

Cleaning and disinfection in food processing plants is not just a daily routine, but an important process that requires adaptation to seasonal changes. The correct approach to hygiene, taking into account the specifics of each period of the year, helps to prevent the spread of infections, maintain product quality and ensure smooth operation of equipment. The use of modern automated systems and specialized tools allows enterprises to remain flexible and efficient, despite all weather conditions.






By following these recommendations, you can minimize seasonal risks and maintain a high level of cleanliness and safety in the workplace all year round.


Work with us
Own production
Own production

We ourselves produce most of the items for the system: Pumping stations, foam stations, mobile carts, holders, mounting stands, etc.

Own Trademark
Own Trademark

We have registered our own trademark and always make sure that the client is satisfied and recommends us to specialists from other enterprises

Our work experience
Our work experience

The OdysseySystems company provides a full range of services in matters of cleanliness in food enterprises: from application processing to facility commissioning and personnel training. Our specialists will install the system in any region of the Russian Federation.

Providing a test sample
Providing a test sample

For enterprises that have water treatment systems installed that provide a working pressure of 20 bar, we can provide a test sample of a foam satellite for 30 days for operation at the enterprise.

Staged financing
Staged financing

The advance payment is 50% of the total contract amount. 30% is paid before shipping the goods to the customer. 20% is paid within 10 days after signing the equipment acceptance certificate

Turnkey works
Turnkey works

The OdysseySystems company provides a full range of services in matters of cleanliness in food enterprises: from application processing to facility commissioning and personnel training. Our specialists will install the system in any region of the Russian Federation.

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