The influence of water quality on the efficiency of cleaning and disinfection of enterprises

The purpose of this article is to consider exactly how the hardness and pH of water affect the efficiency of cleaning and disinfection of enterprises, as well as to propose methods for correcting these parameters to achieve optimal results. Understanding and controlling water quality will help enterprises improve the efficiency of their cleaning and disinfection processes, reduce operating costs, and ensure a safe and clean production environment.

Water quality plays a key role in the efficiency of cleaning and disinfection in enterprises. Water, being the main component of most cleaning and disinfecting solutions, can significantly affect their effectiveness depending on their chemical and physical properties. The two most important water quality parameters that can significantly affect the cleaning and disinfection processes are hardness and pH.

The hardness of water is determined by the content of dissolved minerals in it, such as calcium and magnesium. These elements can cause scale formation on equipment and surfaces, reducing the effectiveness of detergents and leading to increased operating costs. In turn, the pH level of the water affects the chemical reactions that occur during cleaning and disinfection. Incorrect pH can lead to corrosion of equipment, damage to surfaces and a decrease in the antibacterial activity of disinfectants.

The main parameters of water quality

For effective cleaning and disinfection of enterprises, it is necessary to take into account key water quality parameters such as hardness and pH level. These parameters directly affect the properties and actions of detergents and disinfectants, as well as the condition of equipment and surfaces.

Water hardness

The hardness of the water is determined by the concentration of dissolved calcium (Ca2⁺) and magnesium (Mg2⁺) ions. High rigidity leads to a number of problems, including scale formation, reduced detergent efficiency, and equipment damage.

Determination of stiffness:

  • Water hardness is measured in milligrams of calcium equivalent per liter of water (mg-eq/l) or in German degrees of hardness (°dH).
  • Water with a calcium and magnesium content below 60 mg-eq/l is considered soft, from 60 to 120 mg-eq/ l – medium hardness, above 120 mg-eq / l – hard.

Causes of water hardness:

  • The main sources of hardness are dissolved mineral salts such as calcium and magnesium compounds coming from natural sources or pipelines.

The pH of water is an indicator of the acid–base balance, which affects chemical reactions during cleaning and disinfection.

What is pH and its value:

  • pH is measured on a scale from 0 to 14, where 7 is a neutral value. Values below 7 indicate acidity, and values above 7 indicate alkalinity.
  • The optimal pH level for most detergents is in the range of 6-8.

The effect of pH on various processes:

  • Acidic water (low pH) can cause corrosion of metals and damage to equipment.
  • Alkaline water (high pH) can reduce the effectiveness of some disinfectants and cause damage to surfaces.

The relationship of hardness and pH of water

It is important to keep in mind that the hardness and pH of water are interrelated. For example, hard water often has a high pH, which can exacerbate problems related to corrosion and the effectiveness of detergents. Regular monitoring and correction of these parameters will help to maintain optimal conditions for cleaning and disinfection.

Understanding and controlling these basic water quality parameters allows enterprises to effectively manage cleaning and disinfection processes, reducing costs and ensuring a high level of hygiene.

The effect of water hardness on cleaning and disinfection

Water hardness has a significant impact on cleaning and disinfection processes in enterprises. The high content of calcium and magnesium ions in hard water can lead to a number of problems that reduce the effectiveness of detergents and disinfectants, increase operating costs and worsen the condition of equipment.

Scale and sediment formation

Hard water contributes to the formation of scale and mineral deposits on surfaces and inside the equipment.

  • Scale on the equipment:

Scale is formed when water is heated and mineral salts settle on the internal surfaces of equipment such as boilers, boilers, and pipes.

Scale formation reduces heat transfer, increases energy consumption and can lead to equipment failure.

  • Precipitation on surfaces:

Mineral deposits on surfaces can make it difficult to clean and disinfect them, creating conditions for the reproduction of microorganisms.

Removing precipitation requires the use of more aggressive cleaning agents and additional efforts.

Reducing the effectiveness of detergents

The hardness of the water negatively affects the effect of detergents, reducing their effectiveness.

  • Interaction with detergents:

Calcium and magnesium ions react with detergent components to form insoluble compounds that do not have detergent properties.

To compensate for this effect, an increase in the dosage of detergents is required, which increases the cost of purchasing them.

  • The need to use special additives:

To increase the effectiveness of detergents in hard water, it is necessary to use special additives and water softeners.

Such additives increase the total cost of detergents and complicate the cleaning process.

The effect of pH of water on cleaning and disinfection

The pH level of water plays a key role in the cleaning and disinfection processes, as it affects the chemical reactions that occur when using detergents and disinfectants. An incorrect pH level can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of these products, damage to equipment and surfaces, as well as deterioration of sanitary conditions at the enterprise.

Optimal pH for various processes

The recommended pH level for most detergents and disinfectants is in the range of 6-8, which is a neutral or slightly alkaline range.

Recommended pH levels:

  • For most detergents, the optimal pH is 6-8.
  • For disinfectants, the pH level may vary depending on their composition and purpose.

The effect of pH deviations on the effectiveness of funds:

  • Acidic pH (below 6) can reduce the effectiveness of alkaline detergents and cause corrosion of metals.
  • An alkaline pH (above 8) can reduce the activity of some disinfectants and cause damage to surfaces.

Corrosion and damage to surfaces

An incorrect pH level of water can lead to corrosion of equipment and damage to surfaces, which negatively affects their durability and sanitary conditions.

Corrosion of metals:

  • Acidic water (low pH) contributes to corrosion of metal surfaces, which leads to damage to equipment and a decrease in its service life.
  • Alkaline water (high pH) can also cause corrosion of certain metals such as aluminum and zinc.

Damage to non-metallic surfaces:

  • Improper pH can damage plastic, rubber and other non-metallic surfaces, which impairs their appearance and functional properties.

Effect on microbiological activity

The pH level of water has a direct effect on the growth and reproduction of microorganisms, as well as on the effectiveness of disinfectants.

The effect of pH on the growth of microorganisms:

  • Most pathogens prefer a neutral or slightly alkaline pH.
  • Changing the pH level can inhibit the growth of some microorganisms, but it can also create favorable conditions for others.

The role of pH in disinfection:

  • Some disinfectants, such as sodium hypochlorite, are more effective at a certain pH level.
  • pH control allows you to optimize the conditions for maximum effectiveness of disinfectants.

Methods of water quality correction

To ensure optimal conditions for cleaning and disinfection of enterprises, it is important to adjust water quality parameters such as hardness and pH level. The use of effective correction methods makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of detergents and disinfectants, protect equipment and surfaces, and reduce operating costs.

Water softening

Water softening is aimed at reducing its hardness by removing calcium and magnesium ions.

Using water softeners:

  • Ion exchange softeners: In ion exchange softeners, hard calcium and magnesium ions are replaced with sodium ions using an ion exchange resin. This is the most common method of softening water.
  • Reverse regeneration resins: The use of reverse regeneration resins allows you to save resources and maintain constant softening efficiency.

Installing filters:

  • Mechanical filters: Removal of large particles and sediments that may contain hard minerals.
  • Carbon filters: additional purification of water from organic compounds that can interact with detergents.

The use of chemical additives:

  • Complex: chemicals that bind calcium and magnesium ions, preventing their interaction with detergents.
  • Polycarboxylates: used to prevent scale formation on equipment.

pH regulation

pH control of the water is necessary to ensure optimal conditions for chemical reactions during cleaning and disinfection.

The use of acids and alkalis:

  • Acids: The addition of acids (e.g. sulfuric acid or acetic acid) to lower the pH level. Acids neutralize the excess alkalinity of water.
  • Alkalis: The addition of alkalis (e.g. sodium hydroxide or sodium carbonate) to increase the pH level. Alkalis neutralize the excess acidity of water.

The use of automatic dosing systems:

  • Automatic dispensers: Devices that automatically regulate the supply of acids or alkalis to water to maintain a stable pH level. These systems provide precise control and avoid sudden fluctuations in pH levels.

Buffer solutions:

  • Buffer additives: the introduction of buffer solutions into the water, which stabilize the pH level and prevent its abrupt changes. Buffer solutions help to maintain an optimal pH for a long time.

Monitoring and control of water quality

  • Regular monitoring and control of water quality make it possible to identify deviations in a timely manner and take measures to correct them.

Regular measurements:

  • Portable testers and indicators: Use portable devices to regularly measure the hardness and pH of water.
  • Stationary monitoring systems: installation of stationary systems for continuous monitoring of water quality in real time.

Data analysis and correction:

  • Measurement logging: Recording and analyzing measurement data to track changes in water quality.
  • Timely correction: taking measures to correct the hardness and pH of water based on the analysis of measurement data.















Water quality plays a crucial role in the efficiency of cleaning and disinfection processes in enterprises. Hard water can lead to the formation of scale and precipitation, reduce the effectiveness of detergents and damage equipment. An incorrect pH level of water can cause corrosion, damage to surfaces and reduce the antibacterial activity of disinfectants.

Optimizing water quality through the use of mitigation and pH control methods can improve the efficiency of cleaning and disinfection, reduce operating costs and extend the service life of equipment. Regular monitoring and timely adjustment of water quality parameters are key aspects for maintaining a high level of sanitary conditions at the enterprise.


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