Types of detergents for foam sinks

Food production is impossible without regular cleaning and disinfection of equipment. Modern industry uses a whole list of various detergents that remove organic contaminants and help destroy pathogenic microflora. However, choosing the right detergent is essential for an effective foam cleaning system. It facilitates the work of staff, ensures high quality washing results and minimizes costs. Failure to comply with standards may result in food contamination with hazardous substances and bacteria. Therefore, the choice of detergent and disinfectant for food production is as important as the organization of a competent hygiene regime.

Modern professional detergents are specially designed to destroy all harmful bacteria as much as possible and ensure absolute cleanliness for comfortable work. The advantages of professional chemistry for the food industry of the latest generation include the complete elimination of unpleasant odors, ensuring cleanliness at the microbiological level, economical use, compliance with modern quality standards, which is confirmed by certificates, safety and non-toxicity for humans and the environment.

Factors for choosing detergents and disinfectants

When choosing a detergent or disinfectant, there are many factors to consider, such as:

  • Type, nature and degree of pollution
  • Surface structure and material
  • Degree of adhesion of surface contamination
  • Technical specifications
  • Washing frequency
  • microbiological indicators
  • Water quality
  • Economic indicators
  • Environmental and toxicological safety

Types of detergents and disinfectants

The chemical industry produces a wide range of detergents and disinfectants that vary in mode of action, application and effectiveness. Special cleaning products have been developed for foam technology, which are divided into alkaline, acidic and combined.

Products with a high alkaline content are used to remove denatured proteins and protein-fat deposits.

Moderately alkaline preparations are used to remove fats and oils, proteins, dirt and atmospheric deposits.

Acidic agents are mainly used to remove mineral contaminants such as rust, scale, lime, salt deposits, water, tartar, beer and milkstone, etc.

Almost all acidic detergents are composed of sulfamic or nitric acid. At low concentrations, these compounds are also an indispensable attribute of hygiene in dairy plants, since they are used for preventive disinfection in food production and have the ability to actively combine with milk salts.

Modern disinfectants consist of many components that enhance each other’s effects, since the effectiveness of the mixture is several times higher than that of individual components.

The main component of detergents and disinfectants are quaternary ammonium compounds. Thanks to its low surface tension, it wets the surface well, foams and cleans from various types of contaminants. These components also have bactericidal properties and enhance the effect in an alkaline environment.

It should be noted that the correct detergent is an integral part of the foam cleaning process and can significantly improve its effectiveness.

In addition to the above factors, it is also important to use the correct equipment and perform regular maintenance for foam technology to operate effectively. Particular attention should be paid to training personnel in proper cleaning techniques and the use of detergents.

The OdysseySystems company carries out a full range of work on the implementation of foam washing systems at the enterprise, from design to personnel training. You don’t need to worry about how to choose the right detergents; we will take into account all the factors described above.

Leave a request on the website or call +7 (3852) 22-32-14.


Work with us
Own production
Own production

We ourselves produce most of the items for the system: Pumping stations, foam stations, mobile carts, holders, mounting stands, etc.

Own Trademark
Own Trademark

We have registered our own trademark and always make sure that the client is satisfied and recommends us to specialists from other enterprises

Our work experience
Our work experience

The OdysseySystems company provides a full range of services in matters of cleanliness in food enterprises: from application processing to facility commissioning and personnel training. Our specialists will install the system in any region of the Russian Federation.

Providing a test sample
Providing a test sample

For enterprises that have water treatment systems installed that provide a working pressure of 20 bar, we can provide a test sample of a foam satellite for 30 days for operation at the enterprise.

Staged financing
Staged financing

The advance payment is 50% of the total contract amount. 30% is paid before shipping the goods to the customer. 20% is paid within 10 days after signing the equipment acceptance certificate

Turnkey works
Turnkey works

The OdysseySystems company provides a full range of services in matters of cleanliness in food enterprises: from application processing to facility commissioning and personnel training. Our specialists will install the system in any region of the Russian Federation.

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